Keynotes and Connections to Recharge Leaders and Build a Better Workplace

Shift Show Communication helps K-12 educators reignite their passion for teaching so they can lead the next generation with energy, wisdom, and joy. Our solutions transfer seamlessly to business and industry. 

What Parents, Teachers, Principals, and School Leaders Say

Jackie C.

"The kids got your letter today and they were over the moon excited!! You are the absolute best ever. We couldn’t ask for a better principal. Thank you so so so so much for everything you’re doing for all of the kids. They miss you a ton, and just know that if anything crazy pops up I’ll be bugging you for life guidance!"

Samantha R.

"Thank you for all that you do! We are so blessed to have you as our children’s principal. We pray every day when we send them off that they are safe and well cared for and I love getting emails from you that remind me how awesome our district is with strong leaders like you. We appreciate you more than you know! Keep being the light!"

Theresa T.

"Thank you so much! Your commitment to keeping our children safe and teaching them life skills is going to be with them forever and for that we are very grateful! You truly are amazing and I couldn’t ask for a better guardian aka angel as you!!!"

School and work will always challenge their leaders. We make sure it doesn’t defeat them.

America’s teachers and principals are routinely asking themselves how long they can keep going.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Shift Show Communication not only keeps educators connected and in the arena, it puts them at the top of their game. And loving it. Here’s what we offer:

Actionable Keynotes

Remember the vision you had when you entered your profession? Our keynotes recapture it for you and give you the steps for making it a reality at your school.

You don’t have time for inspiration that goes nowhere or a PowerPoint that goes in the recycling bin. You need real change, now.

That’s where we excel. It’s right there in our name.

A Framework for Change

You want high-performing schools and businesses. You also want to create a place where people love to be, from teachers to middle-managers, staff to students, custodians to café.

That means spinning a lot of plates all year, every year. It demands harmony across tons of people and processes.

So we created a framework to make it happen, backed by research and vetted by experience.

Education needs you. But you need a few things too.

Like workload management for real. Partnership over conflict. Calm in your days. Joy in your work.

We give them to you.

For All Professionals in Leadership and Education

We’re the one resource that helps you use all the others.

With Shift Show Communication, you’ll never endure another boring slide narrated to you, a giant binder thrust upon you, a pompous speaker propped in front of you, or tedious “eduspeak” droned at you.

Instead, you’ll get simple, usable solutions designed just for you. They’ll help you strengthen your students, their families, your school, and yourself.

And you can put them to work on your very next school day.

We emphasize internal focus.

Excellence in organizations is reached only when your team can bring all of their gifts to their job every day. We give you and your people resources to feed their soles and hone their skills so they can make an impact without exhaustive implementations.

We build culture at scale.

Power Skills, formerly known as “soft skills”, form the foundation for teams that succeed. Empathy, communication, community, kindness, collaboration, and flexibility are the fundamental keys to successful workplace cultures. Let us show you how to turn them from afterthoughts to building blocks.

We’re not an initiative.

Instead we help you maximize your greatest assets to help you can balance the initiative load you already have. The shifts we bring aren’t a trendy program you put onto your school. They’re a sustainable approach you bring out of your team. They’re an edge, not a chore.

Our Founder

Jennifer Eisenreich is the educational expert behind Shift Show Communication. She’s also the force, firebrand, and funny fashionista in front of it.

30 years of Connecting Education to the Real World