The Compassion and Cognition Framework

A neuroscience-based leadership approach for K-12 educators

Introducing the Compassion and Cognition Framework

This framework is a set of tools and topics that help you optimize your emotional intelligence and your brain function so that you’re in charge of your heart, mind, and school — not the other way around. The tools span the following six areas. We’re available to speak or consult on all of them. If you’re interested, let’s chat.

The Goal:

Shaping your talents and experience to grow professionally

Tools and Topics: 

  • Securing mentors and nurturing your career trajectory
  • Building leadership skills
  • Maintaining motivation: the difference you make
  • Rediscovering a vocation vs. forging a new one
  • Managing fear and perceived threats in the workplace
  • Quieting your harsh inner judge
  • Using criticism as fuel
  • Do-anywhere breathing and mindset exercises

The Goal:

Creating a school filled with energy and expertise that serves students, teachers, administrators, and parents

Tools and Topics:

  • Proactive communication as a hallmark of healthy culture
  • Establishing and scaling an empathy approach: compassion as action
  • Collaboration models for projects and groups of all types and sizes
  • Defining and creating an inclusive environment
  • When positivity is negative: making sure your brand of positivity is nontoxic
  • Tools over talk: how to create solutions, not noise
  • Guidance over platitudes: how to apply practices, not bandages
  • Onboarding teachers, faculty, and staff
  • Teaching the teachers: from head knowledge to shared resources
  • Developing the critical support: guidance counselors, specialists, aides, and nurses

The Goal:

Minimizing tension anywhere it occurs in your school using proactive communication and a posture of curiosity.

Tools and Topics:

  • Jennifer’s famous Calm The Friends Down (CTFD) model for diffusing conflict and forging alliances
  • Solving people problems between and among students, parents, teachers, and administrators
  • Addressing and managing anger
  • Reacting with compassion to build credibility and trust
  • Avoiding the amygdala hijack: brain science awareness
  • Distinguishing character issues from typical behavior issues
  • Learning experience or trauma: creating the former, not the latter
  • Chemistry, genetics, and experience: discovering different lenses through which we view situations
  • Managing intrusive parents
  • Working with unions

The Goal:

Setting up and leading classes for an entire year of learning, calm, and fun.

Tools and Topics:

  • Safety means consistency: creating welcoming spaces via clear expectations, shared rules, and predictable responses
  • Engaging the full range of learning styles and speeds
  • Scaling your results in the age of personalized learning
  • Empowering students on their learning journey
  • Teaching social awareness
  • Communication methods for parents and families
  • Managing the unpredictables: pandemics, emergencies, and other events beyond our control
  • Managing the repeatables: discipline, learning struggles, and other challenges within our control
  • Best practice classroom SOPs in a high-tech, fast-paced world

The Goal:

Facilitating buy-in among all stakeholders regarding educational programs, courses, and materials

Tools and Topics:

  • Presenting and communicating Common Core
  • Navigating the political climate, particularly during election years
  • The whole photo vs. the individual pixels: how the big picture builds consensus and collaboration
  • How and why to embrace controversy rather than avoid it

The Goal:

Making progress in the areas that matter in an environment of competing priorities and tasks

Tools and Topics:

  • Overcoming overwhelm for good: priority setting and productivity on things that move the needle
  • Transforming a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset
  • How to be all-in without getting burned out
  • Measuring success: How and what to evaluate in order to protect your objectives

Create connected, destination workplaces for years to come.

In a very human field, solutions from Shift Show Communication get human nature exactly right. Which means they get results with a lot more peace and a lot less strife.

If this sounds like a welcome change, let’s talk.