About Shift Show Communication

We teach the skills leaders need to tackle any situation by using their heart to reach out, and their brain to reach in.

We Help You Change Your Mind. Literally.

Every day we walk away from situations shaking our head. Traffic, people, work, school, politics…Mid-facepalm it’s easy to forget that even the people who tick us off have a story.

When leaders can see beyond conflict to connect with the big picture, use their hearts to reach out, and their brains to reach in, they can handle anything. When they use this shift to train their teams, they create self-sufficient problem solvers. When you have those things, you create harmony. Now there’s a place we want to work!

There is so much to understand about the way our brains control us. Ever heard of an amygdala highjack? How about a thinking trap? You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to understand how our brains trip us up, causing us to react instead of respond. But get too clinical and you get too cold. That’s why it’s so important to bring in the heart and to get the two talking.

Is there something you need to change, tackle, or fix where you work? From perspectives to programs to problems, we have you.

Why Shift Show Communication?

First of all, it’s fun to say.

Why did we start a company with this name?

Because for decades, we experienced firsthand most of the challenges you can name in the field of education. And through trial and error, we learned we didn’t have to wait for miracles to solve them.

We learned to make mind shifts that led to behavior shifts, in ourselves and in the people we encountered every day. Students, parents, peers, and superiors. The thing about individual mind shifts: they add up.

One single mind-shift makes massive educational change happen one interaction at a time. We started this company to spread this powerful idea and the tools we crafted to implement it.

Why do you need Shift Show Communication?

Because current resources fail to address the real problems education and business face every day. We do. We’re the resource you’re missing.

Shift Show’s Founder and Frontman: Meet Jennifer (Meliton) Eisenreich

Educator, leader, writer, philosopher, consultant, entrepreneur.
Speaker, singer, student of people.
Aggressively benevolent peacemaker.

Jennifer rules a world that sits at the intersection of education, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and negotiation.

It’s the world of healthy schools filled with compassionate leaders, energized teachers, and students who can flourish.

And she rules this world with deep insight, quick humor, and killer action plans.

In her 30 years of experience in education, (including 24 as a principal), Jennifer found herself encouraging teachers who struggled every year with the challenges of overwhelm and conflict. So she began creating and documenting repeatable, scalable solutions like mental models, building relationship connections, process designs, and communication techniques.

Now she brings these tools to educators everywhere with Shift Show Communication, the company she founded to deliver positive change in education.

Jennifer recognizes that with a growing list of expectations in an increasingly complex world, educators have a hard time sustaining their motivation, positivity, and purpose. Her life’s work is about helping these educators become empathetic problem-solvers who love what they do, cultivate workplace joy, and drive achievement in their schools.

And as an accomplished vocalist and natural performer, Jennifer captivates her audiences by infusing artistry and wit into every message she gives. 

Jennifer’s training includes a Bachelor of Science in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Science in Education from Duquesne University, and doctoral studies at Drexel University. Her work has earned recognition from various leaders and organizations at the forefront of education today.

What We Believe

You have a gift to share with a waiting world.

We’ll help you rediscover and love it again. Your passion for teaching is still there. It’s just buried under the demands piled on you and the doubt you pile on yourself. We give you a fresh start with tools for prioritization, productivity, and peace.

Compassion is the secret ingredient in impact.

In education, what often stands between you and results are people grappling with frustration or fear. Compassion earns you their trust, which is the key to your progress. We help you build an approach of empathy that helps you get shift done.

Your plate isn’t too full. The buffet is just huge.

At some point every teacher has thought, “I can’t take one more thing.” It’s justified, but it’s a scarcity mindset. We teach you how to have an abundance mindset, where programs, tasks, and challenges are all choices at the buffet. 

What can we help you solve at your school?

We’ve already faced down the big stuff that confronts us every day: the people problems and the overwhelming problems. Now we’re on the other side with solutions to customize and share.