Get Your Shift Together

For administration, principals, teachers, guidance counselors, front office staff, and any educator who has ever lost their cool.

What to Expect in This Keynote

The “Get Your Shift Together” keynote addresses conflict in education.

Conflict is unavoidable, especially where children and families are concerned.

But in too many schools, this is the only view of conflict that exists.

The truth is, conflict is a tool. 

Your school can use conflict to boost everything: performance, satisfaction, retention, reputation, enrollment, and even your bottom line.

It seems paradoxical, but conflict is your building block for a compassionate school, where acts of kindness ripple outward and multiply.

With this keynote, Jennifer brings her “Calm the Friends Down” model to show you how it’s done.

Combining neuroscience, psychology, and storytelling, CTFD is the blueprint for deploying curiosity, empathy, and a splash of sales in all cases of conflict.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Respond thoughtfully rather than react instinctively
  • Turn fear into curiosity — an act of courage that fosters peace
  • Earn trust, goodwill, and social capital
  • Establish a culture of care
  • Make quick work of conflict, and clear the decks for the real work to be done

Oh, and you’ll also learn what disinfectant spray and conflict resolution have in common. WYKYK (that’s “when you know, you know,” for all the admirable folks not on social media).

Ready to Get Shift Together at Your School?